8 Tips for a Successful Podcast

Tips for a successful podcast

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular and that interest is set to grow significantly in the years to come. More and more individuals and companies are recognizing them as a great way to expand online reach and brand awareness. If you’re keen to venture into podcasting but are not sure where to begin, keep reading to learn 8 helpful tips for a successful podcast.

For an individual on-the-go, podcasts are a welcome and valuable way to multitask. By listening in on interesting conversations, people can learn about new subjects and diverse points of view while being entertained. That’s why podcasts appeal to listeners and why the following stats have been observed: 

  • Over 4 million podcasts are registered worldwide
  • Globally, there are over 383.7 million podcast listeners, set to grow to 504.9 million by 2024
  • On average, US podcast listeners tune in to 8 podcast episodes per week
  • 50% of podcast listeners are age 12-34, and interest in those age 35+ is growing as well

What can podcasts do for your business and brand? 

Given their popularity and how they can help you access many valuable decision-makers, your business could experience a number of benefits from podcasting. Here are a few: 

  • Increased reach and traffic
  • Increased relatability 
  • Easier and more consistent engagement, since podcasts can be produced quickly

To help you tap into these benefits, we’ve compiled 8 tips for a successful podcast in this blog.

8 tips for a successful podcast

Podcasting as a marketing activity has plenty to offer and can have a positive impact on your brand and business in both the short run and long run. If you’re ready to get started, try these 8 tips for a successful podcast: 

1. Work out your niche

While broadcasting content to a wide audience may sound like a good idea, you’re more likely to build a strong listenership by speaking to a very specific audience. Consider your target market and narrow your podcast’s focus to cater to them.

2. Get the basic details in place

This tip for a successful podcast may seem obvious, but there are actually quite a few important decisions to be made before you begin. These include choosing the following:

  • Your podcast’s name—pick a clever name that connects to your niche
  • A format—will it be solo, interview-style, or co-hosted? 
  • A topic list—create a set of topics you will start with
  • The frequency—how often will you release new episodes?
  • The equipment and software—everything you will require to record and edit your podcasts

3. Create your cover art

Your cover art is the visual that will be associated with your podcast.

Great cover art is the first impression and sets the tone for what a listener can expect when they subscribe to your podcast. 

The cover art design should be simple, and not too crowded. From it, scrollers—i.e., potential listeners—should be able to learn the name and get a sense of what to expect in terms of content and tone.

Quick design tips for a successful podcast: Contrasting colors and minimal text can help make your cover art impactful, easy-to-read, and memorable. Remember that the visual should look good small, as a thumbnail, surrounded by other cover art. So, shrink it down and test it to see if it’s eye-catching and easy to read even when small. 

Learn more about capturing your audience’s attention in today’s quick-scroll world with impactful visuals here.

4. Create an audio trailer

Promote the format using the format. This will let your existing online audience know that they’ll soon have a new and interesting way to connect with your business. It will create a buzz and start getting people subscribing before your first episode is even out. 

5. Consider your launch strategy

Grand opening or soft launch? If you have influencers you can contact, consider a grand opening and running ads to drum up interest.

Alternatively, if you’d like to test the waters first, you can launch your podcast without promoting it first. This can feel safer, with less pressure. 

You can also invite a few people in your organization to tune in first and offer feedback before you launch. This can take the pressure off, help you get used to the process of creating and publishing podcasts, and build confidence. 

As you work out your launch strategy, keep in mind this tip for a successful podcast: After you have an edited version of your podcast ready, don’t keep tinkering and finetuning—pick a launch date that’s not too far into the future and go for it! 

6. Involve brand partners and happy clients

Speak to your brand partners and clients about how they can help you create and promote your podcasts. For example, if you use an interview format, there’s plenty of room for guests. This can connect you with new audiences who don’t follow you online yet. They can also promote your podcast on their channels. 

7. Publish transcripts with SEO in mind

Posting the transcripts of your podcast episodes is an easy, effective tip for a successful podcast. Search engine optimization will help you draw in your desired audience and build your following. In addition, publishing these transcripts will make your podcast accessible to those with hearing impairments.

8. Don’t be discouraged by the numbers too soon

This is one of our most important tips for a successful podcast: While it’s easy to be intimidated by the numbers you see on popular podcasts, focus on the bigger picture. Think of every new listener as a new member of your broader online community. So even if you start with just a few listeners, your podcast is still adding to your following. 

Audio vs. video podcasting: Which format is right for you?

As you consider our tips for a successful podcast, spend a little time thinking about which format your audience will respond better to—audio or video? 

Audio and video podcasts both have their strengths. And while video podcasts can also be published as audio podcasts, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of both formats before you invest in recording, editing, and publishing them. 

The pros and cons of audio podcasting 

The pros:

Audio podcasting is less complex. At the most basic level, all you need to get started is a phone, mic, and headphones. It requires minimal equipment and investment. All you need to do is record, edit, and upload.

The cons:

It can be harder to get discovered, because you’re competing with many popular podcasts. Being on audio-only platforms can also limit your visibility.

The pros and cons of video podcasting

The pros:

Video podcasting opens you up to other platforms. Each video episode can work as a great asset for your brand, and is shareable across different platforms. For example, you can embed episodes or clips in blog posts or share them on social media, e.g., as Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, TikTok videos, etc.

Publishing your video podcasts on YouTube can also help your search results. If you have a great title, you could join the Google search results someone gets when they’re looking for information on topics related to yours. 

Another great thing about video podcasts is they can be published as audio podcasts as well. Plus, it’s hard to go wrong with visually stimulating content!

Read: Create compelling videos to boost recall, traffic, and ROI

The cons:

Video podcasting requires more planning and can be a little challenging if your team isn’t comfortable in front of the camera. Similarly, guests may find it more intimidating to participate in a video podcast than an audio podcast. 

To boost your brand image, you’ll need a good set up and high-quality videos, so it’s likely to require more of an investment than an audio podcast would. 

Video is also less convenient, unlike audio which can be listened to anywhere, including while multitasking. 

There’s plenty to be gained from both audio and video podcasts, so take the time to consider the pros and cons before you make a decision on format!

Marketing your podcast without ads

Once you have your podcast ready to launch, it’s time to think about promoting it. Here are some organic marketing tips for a successful podcast you can start with:

  • Share your podcast with friends and family that may be interested in the topics you cover. Once you do this, go back to ask for their individual feedback and reviews on podcasts. This is a good way to get your first 5-10 listeners.
  • Share visual sound bites on social media, and not just links to the podcast. This will allow people to immediately click and start listening to your podcast without clicking away from the platform they’re on. Engaging clips with useful, helpful content can really make the right impression and hook potential listeners. 
  • Look for existing online communities that share interests you’re already talking about on your podcast, and consider sharing links there.
  • Search on Quora and Reddit for relevant questions you can answer in full. Sharing quality content generously is key to attracting people to your podcast, first to listen and eventually to follow. Just remember to deliver value with every response you post.  
  • Try cross promotion by contacting relevant blogs that already have a following in your space and looking for content partners. That way, every episode of your podcast can become a blog, and that blog can also be promoted on your podcast—this could be a mutually-beneficial situation that helps both partners grow their reach and following.

Use these tips for a successful podcast to take advantage of the growing interest in podcasts today. With a clear area of focus and strong digital strategy, you will have an audience that tunes in regularly to hear what your business has to say. 

If you’re looking to grow your business and brand, the Chittlesoft team has just the creative design and marketing solutions for you. Give us a call today!

Content Marketing Consultant
12+ years of experience in Content Marketing.

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