In-house vs. outsourced design: weighing the options

design services

design services
Let’s cut to the chase: keeping resources in-house can save design agency fees, but outsourcing to a design agency can ensure the kind of proficiency that an in-house design team is unlikely to have, especially if design is a peripheral service within the business. Not every role has been created to be outsourced, but a role like design can definitely be entrusted to a specialized agency.
“Design” as a service encompasses UI/UX design, graphic design, creation of presentations, marketing pitches for clients, and so on. For example, at Chittlesoft, one of our unique design services includes the creation of minimum viable prototypes (MVPs) of applications for our clients so that they can focus on core product development and leave the development of their sales and marketing pitch to us.
We do understand, however, the benefits of having an in-house design team as opposed to an external team and vice versa. In this post, we weigh the benefits of both to help you arrive at a decision.

What an in-house design team can offer you:

Ready access to company requirements:

In-house, your team has quick access to information needed to create or update a design. This means. for minor design work, you don’t have to go to the external agency each time, who may or may not be willing to take up smaller jobs.

Greater understanding of company vision:

Because they work with your company, your in-house team is more likely to connect with the company vision, mission, and goals, as they are also stakeholders in the company’s growth.

Where you might hit a wall with an in-house design team:

Limited skill set:
To get the kind of skills available at a design agency in-house, a business will have to pay a premium salary to not just one but multiple individuals who make up the team. You will also have to ensure that they are on a regular payroll, work or no work.
Need for a bigger team:
Junior designers required to function without the guidance of an experienced professional may not be able to deliver well on your business’s design requirements.

Why you might want an external design agency to step in:

Access to a larger talent pool:
Design agencies have greater experience, market knowledge, and access to premium software that non-design agencies like a manufacturing business may not have access to. Outsourcing design gives companies access to a larger talent pool that is equipped with the necessary skills to deliver unique designs for businesses.
Dedicated completely to the design you require:
Because it’s their core business, the design agency you have outsourced to will focus entirely on your design needs. An in-house team in the same position is prone to getting caught up in the day-to-day requirements of your business and thus losing sight of the bigger picture/project.
Saved time and resources:
You save time by outsourcing because no one is required to train the professionals there. Your account is managed by a team equipped with the skills necessary to deliver your design requirements. More importantly, outsourcing allows you to focus on your core function rather than peripheral functions such as design and development.
Many experts say that external design agencies do not take up smaller design jobs required by businesses that they work with, but at Chittlesoft, that does not hold true. When you work with us, meeting your design requirements – big or small, whether it’s UI/UX or designing a quick evite for your upcoming presentation the next day – is our priority. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can fulfill your design needs!

A clear-headed visionary and high-energy operations expert, Vinita’s passion for work is only rivaled by her love for animals (dogs, in particular), which knows no bounds. After founding one of the largest graphic design companies in the world, Vinita is now focused on providing world-class, scalable design solutions at the lowest possible cost to customers. Because who can resist a challenging mission? Not she, of course.

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