Creating an effective B2B sales video: What to include for maximum impact

B2B sales video
B2B sales video

For businesses across several industries, B2B sales videos are helping increase sales and generate leads. When created and presented strategically, a sales video can be a powerful persuader, helping convey your key value propositions to decision-makers effectively.

In this guide, we’ll explore the important elements to include in your sales video to maximize its impact and generate results.

Blog summary

Creating an effective B2B sales video: What to include for maximum impact

  • Why should businesses invest in sales videos?
  • How to create an effective B2B sales video
  1. Selecting information to include
  2. Script writing
  3. Planning visuals and layout
  4. Bringing the script and storyboard to life
  • How to present your sales video

Why should businesses invest in sales videos?

B2B sales videos offer significant benefits for businesses in various industries. 

With the rise of video consumption, sales videos have become an effective way to engage and convert customers. Discover how videos can boost your sales and marketing results.

Why invest in sales videos? Here are three key things they can do for your business: 

  1. Engage your target audience: Sales videos are highly engaging and allow businesses to communicate their message concisely and effectively. By bringing your key selling points to life in a short amount of time, you can keep your audience interested, which will help increase their understanding of your products or services.
  2. Build trust: By presenting high-quality videos—with compelling content and top-quality visuals and animation—you can establish your brand’s reputation as an expert in your industry, inspiring trust. 
  3. Generate leads: B2B sales videos can work directly to generate leads by persuading your audience to take the next step and make contact with your company. By including clear calls-to-action at the end of your video, you can encourage potential customers to take action.
Read: ‘5 types of video every B2B business needs’

How to create an effective B2B sales video

1. Selecting information to include

Before diving into the specifics, it’s tempting to simply list all of your product or services and create a standard sales pitch, but this will not engage your audience in the way that a strong, well-crafted sales video can. Before beginning to create your script, it’s crucial to consider your target audience and what they care about.

Start by identifying the challenges your potential customers face and how your product or service can help address them. To select the right information to include in your sales video, you may need to do some market research to understand the future trends and existing gaps in the marketplace.

Consider creating a bullet point list; topics that will spark your customer’s curiosity, key questions that need to be answered, and what information will encourage them to get in touch with you and buy from you. Make sure to include specific examples of the positive impacts that your business or product has had on previous clients or customers.

2. Writing a persuasive script 

The script is arguably the most critical element of an effective B2B sales videos. It’s important to take time to craft a strong, impactful script that will capture your audience’s attention, explain what you do, and make the audience interested enough to take the next step.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when crafting your sales video script:

  • Start strong: It’s crucial to begin your video with an engaging hook. The first few seconds of the video must be attention-grabbing enough to ensure your audience continues watching.
  • Keep it concise: Remember that sales videos are not long-form content. A 60 or 90-second pitch video is all you need to share your message and make an impression on potential customers.
  • Write a ‘problem-solution’ story: State the problem your potential customer is facing and show how your product or service solves the problem. Be specific!
  • Show evidence: Use real-life examples to demonstrate your company’s credibility. Use testimonials or case studies (Link to blog ‘The Power of Case Studies in B2B Marketing: How to Craft Effective Customer Success Stories’ once published) from existing clients to show how your company solves specific problems better than other providers.

3. Planning visuals and layout

Now that you have created a compelling script, it’s important to visualize how you want to present the content. Text layouts, =typography, and visuals should be planned well for maximum impact.

Consider whether you’ll use animations, stock footage, or still images to support your script. Look for ways to showcase your company culture or products in ways that connect with your target audience.

4. Bringing the script and storyboard to life

Once you have your script and storyboard in place, the next step is to bring them to life.

Video editing software is the primary tool used to assemble all the pieces and create a cohesive, professional video. Employ a team of experts familiar with video editing and animations to ensure the highest quality production.

Using professional video production services can elevate the quality of your B2B sales video to a level that distinguishes your brand from the competition, boosts sales, and builds brand awareness.

How to present your sales video

Once you have created a fantastic sales video, you’re halfway there. Next, work on how you will present your B2B sales video in person.

Our clients typically use the customized sales videos we create for them during important sales meetings, to propose solutions to potential customers. Including these videos can be far more impactful than a traditional presentation alone. 

If you’re attending a business conference or trade show, be sure to have your B2B sales video readily available on a tablet or monitor for interested parties. It’s important to modify or customize it as needed to suit the audience, so the information feels relevant to them. 

In meetings and at events, ensure that you have trained sales professionals ready to field any enquiries and walk potential customers through your product or service offerings.


Creating an effective B2B sales video is a process that requires careful planning, a strong script, persuasive visuals, and a professional team to bring it all together into a cohesive presentation. However, the effort pays off in increased engagement, trust building, lead generation, and ultimately, higher sales.

Investing in professional video production services will ensure a professional end product that maximizes impact and efficiency, and helps build trust in your brand. We believe one well-made video can have a powerful positive impact on the way your brand and product/solution are perceived, ultimately supporting the success of both.

To recap, craft engaging scripts with a problem-solution structure that demonstrates your company’s expertise and know-how. Then, plan your visuals, balance typeface with imagery, decide whether to use stock footage or animated graphics, and allow a professional team to create a superior final product.

From there, your team should be prepared with the information and presentation skills required to make a great impression and get results. 

Creating a successful B2B sales video takes time and effort, but the potential rewards are limitless. Tap into them with the support of our highly-experienced video production team.

Lead Visualiser—Motion Graphics
A creative storyteller with experience in traditional animation, motion graphics, and video editing, Pratik drives the visualization and production of our clients’ key video assets. His attention to detail extends well beyond the visuals; he ensures all aspects of every video—including the text, music, voice-over, and animation—work in sync to tell an impactful story. In addition to the quality of his work, our clients appreciate Pratik’s excellent communication and proactive approach. With his up-to-date knowledge of video production technologies, trends, best practices, and more, he’s our go-to “video guy”, who always has the answers.

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